Faridkot Road,Guruhar Sahai, Ferozepur -152022

Guidelines For Students  
  • Regular and punctual ensure that you reach the school 5 minutes before the first bell otherwise late fee fine of Rs.10/- will be charged.
  • Attend school in proper, neat & clean uniform defaulters will be fined Rs.10/- per day.
  • For point 1 & 2 Routine Defaulters may be fined heavily and even may not be allowed to attend the class.
  • Do not leave class without a class pass.
  • Take care of school property and ensure that Desks/Furniture/Walls etc. are not scratched or damaged.
  • Lending/borrowing money is not permitted. Do not wear or bring expensive items to school.
  • In case a student is required to overstay after school hours for extra classes/sports etc., take prior permission in writing from the concerned teacher on an application & duly signed by the parents.
  • Library books should be looked after. Any damage/loss will be paid by the borrower.
  • Due respect should be shown to the seniors, class monitors and students on duty.
  • Any movement in the playground /assembly/activity hall/library should be orderly and in queue, without any noise.
  • Shouting, writing on walls or indulging in unruly behavior in the school premises is not allowed.
  • Facilities of canteen / book shop may be utilized only during the recess or before / after school hours.
  • School bus users should behave in a disciplined and orderly manner and should not throw anything inside or outside the bus. In case any seat/seat cover etc. is torn or damaged; the cost will be recovered from the defaulter.
  • Students are not allowed to bring Mobile Phones in the school. First time defaulter will be fined Rs.500/- & repeater may be fined heavily / or a strict disciplinary action may be taken them to the extent of expulsion from the school.
  • It is compulsory for the students to take permission for bringing the bike / cycle in the school. For security & safety of the students Triple riding & driving of the bike / cycle is not allowed in the school campus. Defaulter may be fined.
  • Students will not be allowed to park their bikes / cycles outside the school.


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E-Mail :- davghs89@yahoo.com
Website: www.rkgdav.com
Contact No.- 9814300652, 01685-230541

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